Friday, May 20, 2016

Publication 6.2

FINISHING IN SLOW MOTION-- Freshman dance 1 students Bea Chamerlain, Savannah Riddles, Brisa Arriaga, and Chloe West perform their show closing YouTube learned dance at the dance informal concert on Wednesday may 18th. For participating in the show students earn a 100 on their final grade instead of taking a written test. Chamberlain said "We worked really hard and I was really proud of our end product". The show featured a variety of modern, jazz and hip hop works most of which were choreographed by students . 

SAY MY NAMMMME-- Freshman Naiya Antar, Kahliah Clark, Jalia Chrenshaw, and Senior Zahshorn Brown perform their you tube learned dance "Say My Name" to parents and friends at the dance one informal concert this past Wednesday in the field house. "Everyone loved our dance, I could tell from all the screaming and I had a really good time learning it and performing, great end to a great class" Said Brown. 

COUNTDOWN TO THE END--With the end of year fast approaching Freshman Bea Chamerlain, Savannah Riddles and Maesia McDonold perform their youtube learn choreography to "Countdown by Beyonce". McDonold says, "Although I am not taking dance next year, it was a lot of fun and I'm really going to miss Mrs.Adamez. Especially because we're not majors we can goof off more and make the class really enjoyable".

1 comment:

  1. The photos are a little repetitive in terms of composition, but the captions are really strong. 95
