Tuesday, May 31, 2016

PhotoJ FINAL :)))


THE COMPLICATION: The beginning of my story is the ice cream line. I like this photo because its very balanced and the truck windows create nice vertical and horizontal line throughout the majority of the photo as well as a frame for the workers. I think its a nice start to the story, you can read the bottom of the truck telling you what the person is in line for. It's got nice natural lighting and the straight on angle makes you feel like you're actually apart of the photo. I included it because I think its a relate able but simple story for a lot of people, especially in Austin, lines are a common thing.  f/2.2 ISO 25 SHUTTER SPEED 1/120
THE CLIMAX: The climax of my story is when I've reached the front of the line and the worker is making my ice cream. I think this photo is effective because you can see the blurred motion of the hard work she's doing, as well as again the truck window provides a nice frame for the subject. The window also creates a barrier between subject and viewer which I think is interesting. The nice sunny outdoor lighting is combined with the florescent light in the trailer to create kind of a yellow feel, kind of cold against the stainless steel metal.  On her apron you can also see the name of the food truck "Holla-mode". This picture is also special because I actually know the worker, its my friend Kathryn. A lot of people at this time are getting jobs and after talking to her while she made this, I got a view of how hard it actually is to make this ice cream.  F/2.2 ISO 25 SHUTTER SPEED 1/40
THE RESOLUTION: The end of the story, the end product, the thing the story led up to, in this case the ice cream. I like this photo because of its nice short depth of field, so the only thing in focus is the nice ice cream. I also like how the photo is very simple in its color scheme, mostly whites and blacks.  It has nice natural light with no harsh shadows just as if it were right in front of you. I think its a good end to this little story because its a great reward for the struggle both the worker and I went through to create the resolution. I decided to do this story in my final because I think its a short and fun story that a lot of people relate to and its easy to sum up in 3 photos. I like this photo because of its subject, it looks delicious and I think the depth of field enhances that.  F/2.2 ISO 25 SHUTTER SPEED 1/2500


For my first photo, I wanted to convey the emotion of happy. I did this through capturing a natural moment where the subject is laughing and smiling at something her cousin just said. I used a worms eye view and short depth of field to draw all the attention to her facial expression. Her black and white striped shirt adds highlights to the photo as well as lines. The blurred out trees create a nice contrasted background with lots of darks and lights. The natural sunlight shines right onto her face enhancing the lines in her face making it a more dynamic expression. I like this photo mostly because of its lighting, I think the glow is really pretty and the interesting contrast between all the values in the photo is nice. F/2.2 ISO 25 SHUTTER SPEED 1/120
For my second photo I again wanted to convey the emotion of happy, but this time in a posed way. I did this by placing my subject in an environment that makes them happy, in the pool. The subject is happy and excited for the end of school and the start of summer which brings, fun, warm weather and good times. I told her to give me a face that showed how she felt about summer and this is what I got. I like this photo because of the lighting the black and white creates a great contrast between her light hair and skin and the dark trees in the background it makes her pop. Her swim suit adds pattern to the photo where all the other surfaces are pretty flat. This photo also uses short depth of field to highlight her emotion.  F/2.2 ISO 40 SHUTTER SPEED 1/120
For my last photo I wanted to convey the emotion of calm and relaxed. I think water is a very calming this so I placed my subject to where she is completely surrounded in water. I also think most people are the most relaxed and calm when they're in bed with their eyes closed basically sleeping. So I combined these two relaxing things, water and sleep. With her eyes closed and a blank face with no expression lines. Her arms create a nice vertical divider in the photo and she is placed in rule of thirds which her arms help to emphasize. The black and white helps to add contrast to the pool water, it creates nice ripples which add to the calm feel.  F/2.2 ISO 25 SHUTTER SPEED 1/160


 For this challenge I decided to take three photos of popular spots around my hood. My first photo is of our neighborhood park, at first glance this photo may look very boring and like a stripe of blue and a stripe of green, very one note and parallel. I took as a panorama so you're able to zoom in really far (which you might not be able to do on a computer), and when you do this you can see people playing with their dogs, people playing basketball, a lacrosse goal( this is where the Knitros practice sometimes), the playground, volleyball and tennis courts as well as the pool and lastly the elementary school where I went, Brentwood. I think this photo is reflective of its subject because like the neighborhood it might seem simple at first but its full of exciting things and interesting people. I used long depth of field and balance to shoot this photo with natural sunny daylight. F/2.2 ISO 25 SHUTTER SPEED 1/1400
My second photo is a local small grocery story now called Arlans Market. Until recently since 1953 had been the Crestview Minimax, a place me and all the kids in the neighborhood grew up buying candy from. A few months ago it was bought and turned into this place. Lots of McCallum kids used to get their first job here. I like this photo because you can see the sign and at first think its ordinary but there's actually an interesting story behind it. I like the color composition how there's lots of blues in the photo as well as the long depth of field. You can tell its a nice sunny day because of the bright lighting and clear blue sky.  F/2.2 ISO 25 SHUTTER SPEED 1/1200
The last place in my neighborhood I decided to photograph was Juiceland, a few blocks from my house its a great treat for breakfast or lunch. It's super healthy and a spot a lot of people like to go to because of its Delicious juices but also because of its nice calm happy environment, it's just an uplifting place. I like this photo because the leading line of people creates the feeling that the viewer is actually in line with them. The rule of thirds also gives you a place to start in this busy picture. The huge windows create nice sunny lighting which is all natural just like their juices. I think these three photos go together because it's kind of like a mini tour of some of the best spots in my neighborhood.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent captions. The images of Gracie are quite stunning. And I like the first and third pictures of your three-photo story a lot. The neighborhood pictures are good: the park one is my favorite of the three. 96
