Monday, November 23, 2015

Publication 2-- Choir Cabaret 11/12/15

 VERY CORNEY--Senior Max Corney performs "My Favorite Son" from the musical "Will Rogers Follies" along side the Tenor Bass choir and the Chamber Treble Choir during their opening night of the annual Choir Cabaret. Cabaret is a McCallum tradition and this years theme was "From Books and Beyond to Broadway". The show runs from November 12-15. 

ALL OVER CABARET--The Chamber Treble Choir peforms "All Over the World" from the musical "Xanadu" during their opening night performance of McCallums annual Choir Cabaret. The song featured soloists Atley Brown, Hannah Cooley, Miranda Vandenberg, and Ellie Zambarano. The show featured a variety of songs from a variety of Broadway musicals. 

BEHIND THE MASK--Front row seniors Hannah Cooley and Marley Chilton hold down their fans as the full cast performs their first act closer "Point of No Return" from "Phantom of the Opera" during opening night of McCallums annual Choir Cabaret. The show featured all levels of choir from beginning to chamber as well as a variety of songs from a wide range of musicals. The show runs from November 12-15 and takes place in the MAC theatre. 

1 comment:

  1. Solid captions and photos even if they are quotation free. You have to get some props for VERY CORNEY, one of the best caption lead-ins I've seen all semester. 96
