Tuesday, November 17, 2015


EV 0, F/16, ISO 3200, SHUTTER SPEED 1/15

EV +1, F/16, ISO 3200, SHUTTER SPEED 1/6

EV +2, F/16, ISO 3200, SHUTTER SPEED 1/4

EV -1, F/16, ISO 3200, SHUTTER SPEED 1/30

EV -2, F/16, ISO 3200, SHUTTER SPEED 1/60

( I realize they're not very visually pleasing photos but, you can see the difference between each EV setting)

1 comment:

  1. I agree. The ISO is really high, but you are correct: the bracketing is perfectly exposed and you record the change in shutter speed necessary to get the exposure range you needed. 100.
