Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Publication 2-4th six weeks-- Susman project gallery walk 1/19/16

LOOK CLOSELY-- Freshman English student Audrey Sayer fills out her observation sheet as classmate Ellie Stites creeps on the photo. "Everyone had really creative and different projects, I really liked this large wooden one with a string design, it was a really original way to represent part of the book" Said Sayer. After finishing the gallery walk the students got the chance to see the Austin Symphony perform right at MAC which was exciting. 

SNACK BREAK-- Freshman English students Damaris Benitez and Jane Addison take a snack break during their Alchemist project viewing. Students were allowed to bring food to make it more of a party day than a work day, so they could enjoy each others projects and have fun. "Mr.Susman's class is one of my favorites because he's so funny and makes not so interesting books or subjects fun to learn about" said Benitez. 

READ AND REVIEW-- Freshman English 1 pre-ap student Ellie Stites fills out her viewing chart for the classes gallery style presentations on Tuesday January 19th. The students had to pick a quote from their winter reading The Alchemist, and create a visual project expressing that thematic idea through art. "The Alchemist was by far my favorite book we've read this year, its so relateable and I really think anyone would enjoy it" Said Stites.

1 comment:

  1. Your captions are much better than your pictures, I'm afraid. All three images are of the backs or sides of people's heads and the first one has a student staring directly into your camera. You usually get better images than this. 95
