Thursday, February 18, 2016

Photo Challenge 6-- PART 2

This is my friend Eric who had a cool pin so I took his picture. just a fun photo! 

This photo was taken with natural outdoor lighting in sunny daylight. The light is coming from over the subjects shoulder creating a shadow in front of her . I chose this background because I think it creates a really simple but textured background. The pose interacts with both the background and the foreground which in this photo is just the ground. The photo is very one tone so the bright colored shirt pops out. The light also brightens her face. Also her paints create lines through the bottom half of the photo. ISO 25 f/2.2 

For this photo I chose a background with a round leading line and shadows on the ground that create a nice earthy pattern. The tree shadow kind of gives her deer antlers and connects her to nature. I chose an above angle to shake it up and present a new side of my subject. The light is coming from behind her head and is again a natural sun light. it's found lighting because it's natural and not artificial. I like the line her body creates , this diagonal brings you through the photo. ISO 25 f/2.2 

My last photo where I chose a background with dynamic leading lines created by steps, the grass patch and shadows. The steps also create depth which adds to the background. I chose this pose because it's not right at the camera and its not a boring sitting position. Her legs are crossed and shes not sitting up right normally. The angle I chose is mostly straight on and not very interesting but I think it works for this photo. I think the subject looking in the opposite direction of the lines creates contrast in the photo. The only thing I would like to content aware out would be the back tree and shadow. ISO 25 f/2.2

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your effort to put some thought into each shot and then to express that thinking in complete captions. You set the standard in that category (although I'll try not to embarrass you by saying that within earshot of anyone else). 100
