Friday, February 26, 2016

PHoto manipulation and ethics

1.A Throughout The United States and The Middle East has recently been a reoccurring problem throughout the journalism world. In the ethics of photos the article says the main rule is do not lie. If you like the trust between journalist and viewer is gone. The code of ethics that has been used around the world was revised and modernized in 2004 to include rules about the digital world. Photo manipulation is not a new thing it's been occurring for centuries and although not always viewed as unethical, darkening someone's skin color is definitely not okay just to present them as"menacing". It is often used in politics to favor a candidate or party. By Presenting someone as more visually pleasing they think it will make them more favorable. The problem will probably not resolve considering we live in a world where the average person with a cell phone could make these kinds of edits. 

B. I think this is unethical because people need to see the truth and a raw unedited image shows that. Edits present imformation to a viewer that is just a lie and people don't like to be lied to. The integrity of the photo is lost and the story is portrayed in an unrealistic and unreal way. 

A.Unethical by definition means not morally correct. I think this is most unethical photo because they darkened a mans skin color to make him look evil. When in reality he's not a scary looking man. Just because he was an accused killer the magazine wanted people to believe he was guilty, because once you're accused most people assume you're guilty until proven innocent. This is racially unethical too because it's presenting an image that says dark skin is menacing and scary which it isn't. 


I think this photo although unethical and wrong is the most ethical among the photos. The others changed the photos in dramtic ways that completely changed the story and made one side look worse than they actually were. This photo just alters her teeth to make her look lower class which I don't think by any standards is okay but is the least offencive of the bunch. I don't think the story was altered too much by the photo. I really don't understand what the point of  this edit was at all. 

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