Thursday, March 24, 2016

Change the angle

Camera settings unavailable because of shooting on the phone. 
I shot this image at this angle to capture her profile and make it visible what she was looking at. The window light lit up her face and created a reflection in the computer screen. The angle made the background very busy with all the papers in the back.  With lots of colors in the background it's Busy. This photo is somewhere in the middle for me it's not a very good but it's not the worst. 
I shot this photo from this angle to really focus on what the computer is  showing. it makes everything look small and. There are nice geometric shapes in the computer screen. The angle made the background less busy but shows weird towel things in the window. This angle allows you to see the bright sunny day light coming through the window onto the window sil. This is my least favorite image it's boring and really not a good picture. 
This Picture is my favorite I think it gives a nice perspective and provides information to. it's again not very good but I don't think it's worse then the second one. I think this background is the worst it's got way too much stuff and way too many colors and the blinds are crooked and the light makes them yellow which is gross. The angle made the light come through the blinds weird and made it look yellow and brown and gross. I shot it from this angle to get McKenna's perspective on what she was doing in photojournalism :-). 
I shot this picture from this angle to get a really good above shot of the shoes and make it have good simple color composition. The laces create white lines which are dynamic and the grass makes the one colored background  more interesting. The little yellow flower adds a pop of color. The angle created even light and a really pretty photo because it was distributed evenly. The angle created a really simple background which makes the photo nice. This is my middle photo I don't think it's that bad but it's not the best. 
This is my least favorite photo the background is busy and the light makes weird shadows. I shot from this angle to give a Sideview see you could see the whole shoe but I think the light makes her Jean, looks weir shop from this angle to give a Sideview see you could see the whole shoe but I think the light makes her Jean cuff look werid. The available light was bright and made the photo look nice but just created weird lines and it's not very asthenic. The angle makes the background really busy and I don't like it.

This is my favorite photo of the three I think the background is nice because although it's flat it's well lit and it has really nice textures. I shot from this angle because you can see everything and it has nice and rule of thirds and lines. 
The light made the photo have no shadows and be very clean and simple. 
this is my favorite photo because the background is so simple and the leaves add a nice touch. I shot from this angle to get in to bug you and make the subject look small.  The angle created a split affect with the light making half shadow covered and the rest very bright. The angle made a simple background.
this photo is my least favorite. The angle makes the background really busy and all the polls in the back are not straight. shot from this angle to try and include more of her surroundings. The angle made the light Cut through her and create a half-and-half. it creates a lot of weird shadows on her. 
this photo is in the middle for me. Shop from this angle see you could see her face and see her body position. also to include the picnic tables and her background. this angle made the light really bright on her and make her entire back around dark as well as put my tiny phone shadow on the ground. lastly this angle made the background really dark and boring and the picnic tables  having shadows completely cover them makes them look really sad. 

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